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Social Media Trends from 2017

Who hasn’t heard of Facebook? Exactly, the social media industry has blossomed, and it’s growing by the minute. LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram all have made their mark in the world. Unless they decide to control consumer posts, they are likely to continue as the leaders.

Businesses - brick and mortar as well as online, have learned how to capitalize on the audiences with clever advertisements and videos.

Why Some Social Media Sites Fail

There are a number of reasons some sites just don’t make it. Many times, due to complex combined algorithms, their posts are not seen. Algorithms rely on recursion which can determine what gets to the general public and what doesn’t.

Frequent changes in marketing tools and strategies often cause systems to be outdated before they are in full use. The expense of “keeping up” can put small companies out of business. Other sites are eliminated by choice, such as vine, to redirect the consumers to another media.

Filling The Gaps

While a few CEOs have recognized the impact of social media, many have not, over 60 %.  The proof in the pocketbook- those who participate have seen a significant increase in sales, not just likes.

Businesses that are reaping the highest ROI encourage their employees to post updates on their favourite site. However, without proper training, this can be a disaster. Inviting consumer contributions is a make or break it agreement. If they are well satisfied the positive feedback is priceless if not, it’s one more nail in the coffin.

Where will 2018 place their bets - On the millennials and mobile devices? That’s the plan anyway, by tomorrow it might change,